Learning from an Evil Boss

"My boss must have Alzheimer's. He always denies what he previously said."
"I'm so sick of my boss. He is an irresponsible piece of ****."
"My boss threw an 'urgent' report at me at 2PM and asked me to complete it by 9AM, What does he think? Am I a Superman?"

These are just fractions of the most commonly cited "bad boss" behaviors that millions of employees around the world encounter, every day. I can tell you from my personal experience that when you are stuck with managerial incompetence, your all attempts to have a meaningful conversation with the boss will fail. Yet, you can do something to turn the situation around for yourself.

Keep up the good work: Take your eyes off the boss and put your focus on the job. Working for a bad boss does not give you an excuse to under-perform and let your attitude slip either. Strengthen your credibility by meeting your commitments, demonstrating a leadership behavior you would like to see from your boss. You should never over-promise and under-deliver, especially when you have an evil boss.

Know your Boss Type: Know your boss type and make a list of your boss's strengths and weaknesses. Observe if there are ways you can build upon the strengths, reducing the weaknesses. For example: A finger pointing boss always wants to be successful, but he will always have a tremendous fear of failing. Here, you would have to be careful that nothing goes wrong with your assignment.

evil boss

Play it cool: Stop looking at a bad boss as a monolithic horror who is keeping you in misery. Instead, start looking at him as a person with fears and desires that you can manage to your advantage. A bad boss is a mobile textbook of behavioral psychology. Take working with him or her as a golden chance to learn the "Do's and Don'ts" of supervision. It certainly helps you become a better manager at the later stage as by then you will have an experience in the pitfalls of bad management.

The Idea Machine: With a finger pointing boss, you got to be his or her go-to person with solutions to problems. That way, when a mistake comes in light, you'll be the one who can provide fixes. Slowly, slowly he'll come to rely on you.

Note it down:
If you decide to seek help from senior management or HR department then make sure that you document time, dates and events of bullying behavior. If your company has a zero tolerance toward bully behavior, then you need to carry proof that your boss is a big time bully.

Get a venting buddy:
Venting is therapeutic. Find a trustworthy sounding board to vent your frustration and anger, but don't do it with your co-workers. If you are surrounded by “not so into discussion” friends, practice breathing slowly. Take a minute for three slow breaths every hour at least. Before meetings and conference calls, take five minutes to breathe deeply. You will find yourself emotionally managed.


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